Presesident: Ed Mermolia
Vice President: Kurt Klingbeil
Recording Secretary: Matt Bolka
Treasurer: Tim Donovan
Sergeant at Arms: Jason Mermolia



The club is always interested in talking to anyone interested in becoming a member.

We are proud of our accomplishments, fraternalism, and 90 years of fellowship as we continue to give back to the community by making donations to charity.

Members meet the 2nd Sunday of every month.  Only $5 dues.  Every member is part of one of our four committiees.  Each committee has about 6 members and hosts one of our four yearly "club-member's events".  Each committee rotates through events and chairmen every year, so everyone has an opportunity to lead or pitch-in.  All members help with our public events, The Bowling Social and Charity Golf Outing.

Come be a part of something great.  Contact us about joining or attending any of our events.

November 1932 at the peak of the depression, six men organized the Fun-O-Leers Club of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Fun-O-Leers was founded by Henry Maren, Joseph Owen, Anton Martinsek, Louis Brence, Frank Klovora and Leo Schweiger as a men's social, charitable club with Slovanian roots to promote good fellowship and fraternalism within the community.

The club stands for improving social conditions, maintaining and protecting advancement of life, and promoting charitible work, social gatherings, and outings for all.

The club is a group of fun loving and caring individuals that hosts six fun family events every year. In the last seven years alone, Fun-O-Leers has donated over $25,000 to numerous local charites.



The Fun-O-Leers are a men's social club founded in 1932 that provide six fun family events every year. To become a member you must be sponsored by two members and confirmed by a majority vote of the members.  We have monthly meetings at 10:00 AM on the 2nd Sunday of each month at Lucky Lanes.  These meetings are open to members only.  Members pay $5.00 monthly dues, and are required to attend at least every 3rd meeting, unless they excused for work.  Deceased member's widows are invited to join us at any event at the Club's expense.  We give back to our community by making donations to charity.  We have given over $34,000 to charity over the years. 

    Our events are:

9 pin tap bowling event: This is open to everyone.  The cost includes all the Slovenian sausage, beer, soda you want and 3 games of bowling.  There are many raffle prizes given away.  This event is usually run by our newest member with plenty of support from others.  Everybody has a great time at this event.  Usually the money raised at this event if given to charity.

*Mother's Day: This event is for members only.  We take our wives and mothers out to a restaurant for dinner. It is a nice "dress up" occasion.

*Summer picnic: This event is open to members and any guests they wish to invite.  The festivities at this event are up to the committee in charge of running it.  Sometimes we'll rent a park picnic site, or go to a member’s yard or go to Triglav Park.

Golf Outing: This is open to everyone.  This outing is our primary charity fund raising event.  This outing is run by our entire club.  We hold this at Brookfield Hills.  It includes Slovenian sausage, a couple of drink tickets, a door prize, a cart and 18 holes of golf.  There are many door prizes and a big ticket item raffle.  A good time is had by all.

*Fall chicken BBQ: This event is open to members and any guests they wish to invite.  We BBQ about 30 chickens on a spit rotisserie.  This is held in a member's yard, we also run BINGO and Balina games.

*Christmas party: This event is open to members and any guests they wish to invite.  This is a great family event, especially for children and grand children.  Santa is there, every child receives a gift.  We have a cocktail hour, dinner, a band and the Club chorus sings Christmas carols. 

How does it work?  
The Club assigns each member to one of four Committees.  Each Committee is assigned one of the four events indicated with an * above.  The events rotate to a different Committee every year.  So each committee will run each event marked with a * above in a four year period.  Each committee has a chairman who has primary responsibility for the assigned event.  His entire Committee is expected to help him. We do have guides to help with what is expected for each event.  Just like Committee assignments, the Chairmanship rotates every year.  Since most Committees have six members, each committee member will chair an event every six years.  It is a great system.  Everybody has to lead or help.  There are no observers.

Interested in joining yet?
Talk to one of our members, we’re the guys in the blue shirts.

What we are.  What we do.

2022 Board Members
